Sunday, November 2, 2008

Last Minute Creativity

We had a show on Friday night, on Halloween. The EAE (emerging artistic ensemble) or acting interns decided to throw a party at their house in honor of the holiday. Some fellow co-workers and I decide to go, even if we didn't have costumes, just to socialize. Well, while the other two were waiting on me to get to the house, they devised some last minute costumes based on the items found in Dawn's car. The original costumes were:

Dawn with a map, sunglasses and pen = a tourist
Steph with handkerchief, sunglasses, and show blacks = gangster
Me with a stack of parking stubs from the Scope = meter maid

We then decided to see if I had anything of worth to add in the trunk of my car. The following costumes ensued:

Dawn with a map, sunglasses, pen, and emergency poncho = tourist (we almost got her to carry around a beach chair as well)
Steph with squeegee, gray blanket, tattered jeans, and bag of used cell phones = homeless person
Me with a stack of parking stubs from the Scope, orange safety vest, and multi-purpose flashlight, including flashing yellow and red lights = meter maid

Needles to say, there was much comment on our last minute creativity and the randomness of items we carry in our cars. It was a good end to the evening.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Ok, so I know that Christmas is still 2 and a half months away, but I just bought my plane ticket home! I will be flying home on Christmas Eve day, and then I'll be flying back here on the 29th, so unfortunately, I won't be home for New Year's, but it's ok, since I'll get about 4 and a half days at home. I'm hoping to be able to see a lot of people in those few days, so...keep your calendars open!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


So...I'm having a swing dancing withdraw. I have been in VA for 2 full months now and have heard about some pretty decent swing events. The problem is the fact that due to shows I cannot attend, or no one wants to go with me...Well, it's not that they don't want to go dancing, it's just that the only time we can go is on our one day off and not everyone wants to spend their day off going dancing.

I have actually gotten to go dancing once at this place called the Rumba Bistro in Virginia Beach. They allow the local group to bring their own music and use the restaurant space for dancing. Apparently it was slow night for the local crowd due to the fact that I went the day after the Dirt Cheap Blues Exchange. All in all, it was a pretty cool night. I had some good food, and danced a little bit. I must admit though that it made me feel really good when a couple of the leads there were shocked at my ability, especially since I am from IN. I met another Hoosier though and he was born and raised in Westfield of all places!

Anyway, that was about 3 weeks ago, and due to new roommates moving in, or getting free furniture delivered, and with working most evenings...I don't get to go often. A small group of us are planning a trip back to the Rumba Bistro on Mon. so hopefully that'll hold my urge to dance off until we get through tech for the next show which is coming up in a couple of weeks. I think when I was in Daytona, I didn't have this strong desire to go dancing because there wasn't really anthing close by where I could go, but here, there is something every Mon., Thurs., and Sat. here in Norfolk/Virginia Beach and more in Williamsburg and Richmond...also, it probably doesn't help that I actually have some free time with not a lot to do...anyway, that's my swing life here. I have only been once in 2 months, but I can't wait to go again with some of the company members. It should make for a good time :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Free Concert

It's Labor Day and unfortunately I'm working today...oh well. My parents got into town yesterday, so it'll be good to see them for a few days this week, even if I am working nights now. We got to go to dinner yesterday in Virginia Beach. It was a seafood buffet and was alright as far as food goes. After that we headed to the beach front.

The American Music Festival was in town this weekend and had I got my tickets early, and wasn't working, I could've seen Billy Idol or the B-52's! Alas, I was not able to make it. However, they had free concerts along the beach, and last night I got to see the Cherry Poppin' Daddies! For free! It was a fun concert, though not a whole lot of dancing. There were a few couples, but they were a ways away and I didn't want to desert Dawn and my parents...but no worries, I'll get to go dancing eventually! Perhaps when the blues exchange comes around I'll make an appearance...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Fair Lady

So it's been almost an entire month since I've been here and the time has flown by, I can't really believe it actually. I've been able to settle into work very smoothly thus far, granted we still have only been cleaning, bench focusing and hanging an electric a week. We've also been assembling our new PAR 64's! This means I get to hone my soldering skills, which were pretty dismal to begin with, but it's not been too terrible now that I've gotten some practice!

Oh! I'll be getting my 5th Red Cross certification card! I had 4 already from being certified for Disaster Relief, but now I'm trained in CPR and First Aid. The best thing about that was the company paid for the class! The instructor was kind of creepy, but you'll have that I guess.

We open our first show soon, and by soon I mean in a few weeks. We've discovered that almost, if not all of the running crew are women! We actually counted the number of males that we have on the production side of the staff...right now we're at 6 and soon to be 7 out of 21. This does not include Admin, but still, it's very odd to have that many women in one place in production...

Anyway, it's back to work for me!

Friday, August 8, 2008


I made it! I'm alive so no worries!

So anyway, I've been in Norfolk for just over a week now (it feels like much longer). I arrived last Thursday evening with all of my stuff in my car, and no where to live. But hoorah! by Tuesday morning, I was signing a lease to a 4 bedroom townhouse technically in Virginia Beach! It's a pretty nice place and I'll be living with 3 other girls from the company. I'm only about 7 miles from the theater so biking is still an option, however I don't have a bike yet and I haven't surveyed the best route I would use. It's ok though because 2 of my roommates and I will have pretty much the same schedule, so we fully intend on carpooling whenever possible.

Work also started this week. I got a tour of the space, which was nice, but I was so very confused that day. I still have to ask how to get to certain places, but B (my boss) was pretty clear on the orientation of things so it's not been too terrible. Nothing too exciting has been happening at work. We've been cleaning and bench focusing lighting instruments, and we hung the 1st electric, but that's about it. We aren't too concerned because we don't open our first show until September. Oh! I do have my own desk and my own company computer though! It makes me feel like a real professional, granted my computer is a dinosaur and should be put to rest, but that's beside the point.

So far, the people I've been working with have been really great. I was afraid it might be awkward coming into a place where I only knew 1 other person, but everyone has been really friendly and making me feel at ease, which has been a huge relief. There are still a few more people on the tech staff that have yet to arrive, and all of the actors. I did find out that a girl that worked at Seaside with Dawn and I will be joining the company as well though. She may not remember us because we didn't really get to know her and that's ok; it's just cool to see how much of a small world we live in. Another example of that is one of my roommates went to Ball State!

Anyway, I think that will be all for now...updates will be pretty random until we get the internet situated at the apartment...until then!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New blog...

Hey everyone...I forgot the info to my Xanga, so I started a new blog here! I will hopefully post with more regularity than I have in the past so that you can keep up with my adventures in Norfolk! Later!
